The Bible is full of lessons, wisdom, and purpose for our everyday lives but learning how to read such a complex and impacting book regularly and in detail is something that in a modern age we don’t practice regular basis. This is where The SOAP journaling method is a simple but helpful way to study the Bible and apply it to our own lives. As it will help you break down scripture in a practical and applicable way for your life. In an age of Tiktok and youtube where most of our content is via video having a solid Bible reading framework is now more important than ever.
So what is SOAP
SOAP stands for, ‘Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer’ and involves four simple steps that make up the SOAP bible reading framework. It was created by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro as a way to soak into what the Bible is saying and how it can apply to your life
S – that stands for Scripture – Read a short Bible passage out loud and/or write it out. O –that stands for Observation – What do you notice about the verses? What do you think the main message is? What verses, words, or ideas jump out? A – that stands for Application – Ask God how he wants you to apply the verse to your own life. P – that stands for Prayer – Pray for yourself and/or for others.
SOAP is usually used for individuals using a journal (this is a cool one *Amazon Affiliate Link*) or a worksheet, (download a free one here) Or our 365-day journal printable here however, the SOAP journaling framework can also be used as the basis for a small group bible study as a way to lean into and learn about scripture as a group.

365 Day S.O.A.P Journal Free Printable

Understanding SOAP for Beginners Bible Worksheet
Getting Started with SOAP as a Group
If you wish to use SOAP in a small group I recommend you begin your session with a sharing time making sure everybody in the group feels comfortable and heard as it is a very personal experience. This is also a good time to ask people about testimonies and other things God has been doing in their lives as it will open the gates of thanksgiving something we are told In Psalm 100:4, to “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Next, let the group know what Scripture passage you will be looking at together.
You can now follow the four steps of SOAP, with the following modifications:
• Read the Scripture passage out loud for everyone.
• Give each group member an opportunity to share their ‘Observation’ and ‘Application’ with the group. Talk about ways you might try to apply this in your own lives this week. Pray for each other to end and follow up next week to see how everybody went giving thanks and sharing testimonies or praying with each other.