How to teach your kids to read the bible

Introducing your kids to the Bible is like trying to teach a toddler how to fold a fitted sheet- it’s a big responsibility, but it doesn’t have to be intimidating.

Here are some tips for studying the Bible with your children that are more fun than trying to fold a fitted sheet, but just as challenging.


Before even opening the Bible, it’s important to remember that God is in control, and that His plan is always going to be greater than our own. So take some time to pray alone or with your spouse before starting any kind of Bible time with your kids, asking God for wisdom, patience, and guidance through the process.


Depending on your child’s age and level of understanding, reading can be the most challenging part of studying the Bible. For younger children, a great way to start is with biblical picture books- simply looking at the pictures and reading a simplified story is a great way to introduce the Bible to young minds. For older children, you could try reading over a couple of verses, or working through a chapter at a time. You could also search for Bible reading plans online or through the YouVersion Bible app and allow them to choose a reading plan that appeals to them- and then help them stick to it!


Another great way for your children to learn Bible stories is to watch them (alongside reading, of course). There are so many great TV shows and web series out there that bring the stories to life. From Veggie Tales to The Chosen- there’s something out there for every age group.


If there’s one way to keep kids interested in something, it’s by making it fun! Integrating the Bible into a fun activity that your child already loves is one of the best ways to make learning about God an enjoyable experience. If they like to play pretend, you could act out a story with their toys. If they enjoy board games, you could try Bible trivia or playing charades with the Bible characters they’re familiar with.


While repetition is the best way to build a habit, it’s also helpful to tailor your Bible time each day depending on how your child is feeling- after all, we want them to love God’s Word, not dread it.


In all that you do, remember to lead by example. If you want to teach your children to love God’s Word, it’s important that you love God’s Word too. Your children look up to you (whether they admit it or not) and notice a lot more than you think they do. For them, seeing you read the Bible and hearing you pray will show them just how important God is to you.

Make sure you check out all our free resources to help and remember that the key is repetition.